Monday Monday

I really needed a productive day.
Something about the sun shining outside made me realize just how D-I-R-T-Y my house was! Yikes! So, I made myself a to-do list and as soon as Claire went down for her nap, I went to town. (I must confess, there were a few things that I did that weren't originally on my to do list, so I wrote them on my list just so I could cross them off! What satisfaction that gives me!)
Here's a funny little math problem for you....

What does
2.5 people
1 week's hiatus from laundry
apparently this.....
Holy smokes!
I had no idea we produced so much laundry in one week,
can this be right?!?
At least it's done...until next week!
Don't feel bad for day wasn't all work and no play. Claire had her kid's music and dance class in the morning which is absolutely adorable. And while I was cleaning, I had french meringues cooking in the oven. Can you say SUGAR?!? Delicious! I had no idea how easy these were to make. Now I just wish I had a baby or wedding shower to throw for someone as they would be such a great treat! (By the way, I found this recipe here, and she found it the blog-world turns!)

Here's Claire asking me for more. Cute huh?

Too bad I didn't get a picture of the meltdown she had after I finally had to cut girlfriend off!
By the end of the day, I was completely exhausted, but it sure feels great to be caught up!