DIY Hair Lightener

Recipe found on the Young Living Blog

You know those people who are fortunate enough that they effortlessly develop the perfect highlights over the course of the summer??  (my daughter is one of those!)  I'm definitely not one of them, and if you aren't so lucky either, try this DIY Hair Lightener recipe!

1 cup distilled water
15 drops Young Living Citrus Fresh Essential Oil
3 drops Young Living Frankincense Essential Oil
3 drops Young Living Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Add all ingredients into a 12-oz. spray bottle and shake to combine.

To use, shake well and spritz throughout hair when spending time in the sun,
starting with a small amount to avoid over-drying hair.

Check back again tomorrow and every day for the month of June for more practical tips and information on Young Living Essential Oils!
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