Lavender Essential Oil

Today, let's talk a bit about Young Living's Lavender Essential Oil!

In our Essential Families group, we quite often refer to Lavender as the "universal oil" because it's mild and is good for just.about.everything.

Did you know it takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make just one 15 ml bottle of Young Living's Lavender Essential Oil??

Here are just a few of the uses for Lavender Essential Oil :

- sleep.  Add a little Lavender to your diffuser, or place a few drops into your hands and rub behind your ears on and on your pillow to support a restful night's sleep.

- skin care.  Use Lavender as part of your daily skin care routine to nourish your skin, or use on minor abrasions or itchy irritations as they happen.

- bee stings and bug bites.  Apply undiluted and directly to the bites to calm down the itch or burn.

- seasonal discomforts.  Combine Lavender + Lemon + Peppermint to calm down those Springtime seasonal symptoms.

- flavor enhancer.  Add a little lavender to your tea or chocolate recipes.

Check back again tomorrow and every day for the month of June for more practical tips and information on Young Living Essential Oils!
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